George Vergos' Webpage

Arabelos DN, Contadakis ME, Vergos GS, Skeberis Ch, Xenos D, Spatalas S (2020) Variation of some planetary seismic hazard indices on the occasion of Lefkada, Greece, earthquake of 17 November, 2015. Annals of Geophys 63(5): S0102. doi: 10.4401/ag-7847. (Available in PDF format from INGV)

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DN, Vergos GS, Skeberis Ch, Xenos D, Biagi P, Skordilis E (2020) Ionospheric turbulence from TEC variations and VLF/LF transmitter signal observations before and during the destructive seismic activity of August and October 2016 in Central Italy. Annals of Geophys 63(5): S0102. doi: 10.4401/ag-7832. (Available in PDF format from INGV)

Mertikas S, Tripolitsiotis A, Donlon C, Mavrocordatos C, Féménias P, Borde F, Frantzis X, Kokolakis C, Guinle T, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Cullen R (2020) The ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monitoring Performance of Radar Altimeters for Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B and Jason-3 Using Transponder and Sea-Surface Calibrations with FRM Standards. Remote Sens 12(16): 2642. doi: 10.3390/rs12162642. (Available in PDF format from MDPI)

Vu DT, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Remy D, Vergos GS (2020) A Quasigeoid-Derived Transformation Model Accounting for Land Subsidence in the Mekong Delta Towards Height System Unification in Vietnam. Remote Sens 12(5), 817. doi: 10.3390/rs12050817. (Available in PDF format from MDPI)

Arabelos DN, Contadakis ME, Vergos GS, Skordilis EM (2020) Lower Ionospheric turbulence variations during the tectonic activity of the last quarter of 2019 in the Hellenic Arc (Greece). Presented at the 2020 EGU General Assembly, Session Session NH4.5 “Short-term Earthquakes Forecast (StEF) and multi-parametric time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)”, May 03 – 08, Vienna, Austria.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Bonvalot S, Ince ES, Jäggi A, Reguzzoni M, Wziontek H, Kelly K (2020) The IGFS gravity field observations and products contributions to GGOS infrastructure. Presented at the 2020 EGU General Assembly, Session G2.1 “The Global Geodetic Observing System: Improving infrastructure for future science”, May 03 – 08, Vienna, Austria.

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DN, Vergos GS, Skordilis EM (2020) Lower Ionospheric turbulence variations during the intense seismic activity of the last half of 2019 in the broader Balkan region. Presented at the 2019 EGU General Assembly, Session Session NH4.4 “Statistics and pattern recognition applied to the spatio-temporal properties of seismicity”, May 03 – 08, Vienna, Austria.

Sánchez L, Barzaghi R, Vergos GS (2020) Operational infrastructure to ensure the long-term sustainability of the IHRS/IHRF. Presented at the 2020 EGU General Assembly, Session G2.1 “The Global Geodetic Observing System: Improving infrastructure for future science”, May 03 – 08, Vienna, Austria.

Tsakoumis G, Vergos GS, Voudouris P, Natsiopoulos DA (2020) Integration of earth observation tools and in-situ data for monitoring coastal erosion. Presented at the Eighth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment, March 16-18, Paphos, Cyprus.

Contadakis M, Arabelos D, Vergos GS, Scordilis E (2019) Lower Ionospheric Turbulence Variations during the Intense Tectonic Activity of October, 2018 at Zakynthos Area, Greece. Open Journal of Earthquake Research 8: 255-266. doi: 10.4236/ojer.2019.84015. (Available in PDF format from OJER

Mertikas SP, Donlon C, Femenias P, Mavrocordatos C, Galanakis D, Guinle T, Boy F, Tripolitsiotis A, Frantzis X, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2019) Absolute Calibration of Sentinel-3A and Jason-3 Altimeters with Sea-Surface and Transponder Techniques in West Crete, Greece. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2019_63. (Available in PDF format from Springer

Al-Kherayef, Vergos GS, Grebenitcharsky RS (2019) Improvement of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vertical Datum by Tide Gauge & Satellite Altimetry Data and GNSS observed ellipsoidal heights. Presented at the 2019 IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field and Height Systems”, July 8 – July 18, Montreal, Canada.

Arabelos DN, Contadakis ME, Vergos GS, Skordilis EM (2019) TEC variations during the tectonic activity of June 2018 in the area of Methoni, Greece. Presented at the 2019 EGU General Assembly, Session Session NH4.3 “SM3.9, Short-term Earthquakes Forecast (StEF) and multi-parametric time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2019) Geoid and MDT in the Mediterranean area: the GEOMED2 project. Presented at the 2019 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2019) The GEOMED2 project: the Geoid and DOT of the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2019 ESA Living planet Symposium, Session A5.02 “Solid Earth”, May 13-17, Milan, Italy.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2019) GEOMED2: High-resolution geoid models in the Mediterranean. Presented at the 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, Session “The Geoid, Mean Sea Surfaces and Mean Dynamic Topography”, October 21-25, Chicago, USA.

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DN, Vergos GS, Skordilis EM (2019) Lower Ionospheric turbulence variations during the intense tectonic activity of October, 2018 at Zakynthos area, Greece. Presented at the 2019 EGU General Assembly, Session Session NH4.3 “SM3.9, Short-term Earthquakes Forecast (StEF) and multi-parametric time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.

Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Carion D, Barzaghi R (2019) Spectral and stochastic Geoid/Quasi-geoid modelling and potential determination with the remove-restore approach within the JWG2.2.2 Colorado experiment. Presented at the 2019 IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field and Height Systems”, July 8 – July 18, Montreal, Canada.

Mertikas SP, Donlon C, Féménias P, Galanakis D, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Guinle T, Vuilleumier P, Lin M, Chen G, Tripolitsiotis A, Fratzis X (2019) Current Results from Multi-mission Calibrations at the Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration in west Crete, Greece attaining Fiducial Reference Measurement Standards. Presented at the 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, Session “Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record”, October 21-25, Chicago, USA.

Sánchez L, Barzaghi R, Vergos GS (2019) Operational infrastructure to ensure the long-term sustainability of the IHRS/IHRF. Presented at the 2019 IUGG General Assembly, Session G06 “Monitoring and Understanding the Dynamic Earth With Geodetic Observations”, July 8 – July 18, Montreal, Canada.

Tsakoumis G, Vergos GS, Voudouris P, Natsiopoulos DA (2019) Monitoring climate change induced coastl erosion in the region of central Macedonia with satellite and in-situ data. Presented at the 6th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies “Safe Corfu 2019”, November 6-9, Corfu, Greece.

Barzaghi R, Carrion D, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Reinquin F, Seoane L, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Salaün C, Andersen O, Knudsen P, Abulaitijiang A, Rio MH (2018) GEOMED2: High-Resolution Geoid of the Mediterranean. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2018_33. (Available in PDF format from Springer

Mertikas SP, Donlon C, Féménias P, Mavrocordatos C, Galanakis D, Tripolitsiotis A, Frantzis X, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Guinle T (2018) Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry Missions: Calibration of Satellite Altimetry at the Permanent Facilities in Gavdos and Crete, Greece. Remote Sens 10(10), 1557. doi: 10.3390/rs10101557. Available in PDF format from MDPI

Tziavos IN and Vergos GS (2018) Topographic Effects. Encyclopedia of Geodesy, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-02370-0_72-1. Available in PDF format from Springer

Vergos GS, Erol B, Natsiopoulos DA, Grigoriadis VN, Işık MS, Tziavos IN (2018) Preliminary results of GOCE-based height system unification between Greece and Turkey over marine and land areas. Acta Geod Geophys. doi: 10.1007/s40328-017-0204-x. Available in PDF format from Sprigner

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Barzaghi R, Carrion D (2018) IGFS Metadata for Gravity. Structure, Build-up and Application Module. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2018_38. Available in PDF format from Springer

Altiparmaki ON and Vergos GS (2018) Local Vertical Datum improvement using Sentinel-3 SAR and Cryosat-2. SAR/SARin altimetry data. Presented at the 2018 EGU General Assembly, Session Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.

Altiparmaki ON, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2018) Satellite altimetry for potential determination towards HSU and geoid modeling. Presented at the International Review Workshop on satellite Altimetry cal/Val activities and applications, Session 8 “Session 8: Modelling with Altimetry bathymetry, geoid, sea level, gravity, heights”, April 23 – 26, Chania, Greece.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Bonvalot S, Barthelmes D, Reguzzoni M, Wziontek H, Kelly K (2018) The gravity field observations and products at IGFS. Presented at the 2018 EGU General Assembly, Session G2.1 “The Global Geodetic Observing System: Improving Today's Infrastructure for Tomorrow's Science”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2018) The Geomed2 project: estimating the geoid and the DOT in the Mediterranean area. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, Albertella A, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Seone L, Reinquin F, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M, Gil AJ (2018) Geoid and DOT in the Mediterranean area: the Geomed2 project. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Barzaghi R, Carrion D (2018) The IGFS metadata for geoid. Structure, build-up and application module. Potential determination at coastal stations from the synergy of SAR/SARin altimetry and local gravity data towards the IHRS. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2018) The IGFS metadata for geoid. Structure, build-up and application module. Geoid/Quasi-geoid modeling based on the remove-restore approach with the JWG2.2.2 Colorado dataset and contributions to the IHRF. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Mamagiannou EG and Vergos GS (2018) EOF and PCA analysis of GRACE induced EWT variations and early forecasting results based on stochastic Kalman filtering. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2018) Selective filtering of DOT through spatial filtering and Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Sánchez L, Ågren J, Huang J, Véronneau M, Yang W, Roman D, Vergos GS, Abd-Elmotaal H, Amos M, Barzaghi R, Blitzkow D, Oliveira C, Denker H, Mick F, Claessens S, Oshchepkov I, Marti U, Koji M, Sideris MG, Varga M, Willberg M, Pail R (2018) Advances in the establishment of the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF). Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Sanxaridou EI and Vergos GS (2018) Assimilation of GRACE-induced EWT with a Global precipitation model to improve spatial resolution, trend and seasonal signal recovery through PCA and EOF analysis. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Pitenis EA and Vergos GS (2018) Wavelet MRA as a tool for destriping GRACE extracted Equivalent Water Thickness variations. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Vergos GS and Altiparmaki ON (2018) Satellite altimetry for potential determination towards HSU and geoid modeling. Potential determination at coastal stations from the synergy of SAR/SARin altimetry and local gravity data towards the IHRS. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.

Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2018) Modeling the barotropic response of the Mediterranean sea level to atmospheric pressure forcing. Rossikopoulos D, Fotiou A, Paraschakis I (eds.), Special Issue dedicated to the Emeritus Professor A. Dermanis, Ziti Editions. (Available in PDF format).

Altiparmaki OA, Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS (2017) SLA determination in coastal areas using Least-Squares Collocation and Cryosat-2 data. In: 1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting (Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016 - GGHS2016), International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 146, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/1345_2017_11 (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form)

Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Gruber T, Fecher T (2017) GOCE variance and covariance contribution to height system unification.In: 1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting (Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016 - GGHS2016), International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 146, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form)

Grigoriadis VN, Lambrou E, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2017) Assessment of the Greek Vertical Datum: A Case Study in Central Greece. In: 1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting (Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016 - GGHS2016), International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 146, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/1345_2017_1 (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form).

Vergos GS, Erol B, Natsiopoulos DA, Grigoriadis VN, Işık MS, Tziavos IN (2017) Preliminary results of GOCE-based height system unification between Greece and Turkey over marine and land areas. Acta Geod Geophys. doi: 10.1007/s40328-017-0204-x (Available in PDF format from Springer)

Willberg M, Gruber T, Vergos GS (2017) Analysis of GOCE Omission Error and its Contribution to Vertical Datum Offsets in Greece and its Islands. In: 1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting (Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016 - GGHS2016), International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 146, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/1345_2017_3 (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form)


Altiparmaki IN, Vergos GS, Andersen OA (2017) Esta SAR and SARIN contribution to Height System Unification in Greece. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Gruber T, Fecher T (2017) Local vertical datum validation through the incorporation of GOCE variance and covariance information. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Arabelos DN, Contadakis ME, Vergos GS, Spatalas S Skordilis EM (2017) Variation of the earth tide –seismicity compliance parameter p the last 17 years for the area of Italy. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session NH4.5 “Short-term Earthquakes Forecast (StEF) and multi-parametric time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Carrion D, Vergos GS, Abulaitijiang A, Andersen O, Knudsen P (2017) Computing and validating the bathymetric effect in smoothing gravity and altimeter data in the Mediterranean area. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Bonvalot S, Barthelmes D, Reguzzoni M, Wziontek H, Kelly K (2017) The gravity field observations and products at IGFS. Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session G2.1 “The Global Geodetic Observing System: Improving Today's Infrastructure for Tomorrow's Science”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Carrion D, De Gaetani C, Albertella A,Vergos GS, Abulaitijiang A, Andersen O, Knudsen P, Tziavos IN, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Salaun C (2017) Comparing marine gravity and satellite altimetry in the Mediterranean area. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2017a) The GEOMED2 project: Geoid and circulation in the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2017b) The GEOMED2 project: Geoid estimation in the Mediterranean Area. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2017c) The GEOMED2 project: Multi-resolution aspects and aliasing in topographic effects for geoid and gravity determination. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

 Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2017d) GEOMED2: Geoid estimation of the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2017 OSTST Meeting, Session “The Geoid, Mean Sea Surfaces and Mean Dynamic Topography”, October 23-27, Miami FL, USA.

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DN, Vergos GS, Spatalas S, Skeberis C, Xenos T (2017) Variation of some Planetary seismic hazard indices on the occasion of Lefkada, Greece, earthquake of 17 November, 2015. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session NH4.5 “Short-term Earthquakes Forecast (StEF) and multi-parametric time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria.

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DN, Vergos GS, Spatalas S, Skeberis C, Xenos T, Biagi P, Scordilis M (2017) Ionospheric turbulence from TEC variations and VLF/LF transmitter signal observations before and during the destructive seismic activity of August and October 2016 in Central Italy. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session NH4.5 “Short-term Earthquakes Forecast (StEF) and multi-parametric time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria.

Grebenitcharsky R, Vergos GS, Al-Kherayef O, Al-Muslmani B, Forsberg R (2017) Precise leveling, tide gauge and satellite altimetry for definition of Saudi Arabia National Reference Frame (SANVRF) – Jeddah’2014. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G01 “Reference Frames”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan.

Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2017) PCA and along track filtering of Crysoat2 SSH for DOT modeling in the Mediterranean. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Reguzzoni M, Vergos GS, Sona G, Barzaghi R, Tziavos IN, Albertella A, Carrion D, De Gaetani C, Rossi L (2017) Height datum unification by patching local geoid models. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Stylianidis S (2017) Geoid and Moho-depth modeling in Cprus. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Tzanou EA (2017) GOCE-based evaluation of the Hellenic Vertical Datum within the GOCE+++ project. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: Data Analysis, Results and Future Concepts”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Tzanou EA (2017) Mean and profile-based dynamic ocean topography determination in the Mediterranean Sea within the GOCE+++ project. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session OS2.2 “Advances in Understanding of the Multi-Disciplinary Dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea)”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Grebenitcharsky R, Natsiopoulos DA, Al-Kherayef O, Al-Muslmani B (2017) Satellite altimetry and GOCE contribution to the pre-definition of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Vertical Network. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 23 – 28, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Grebenitcharsky R, Natsiopoulos DA, Al-Kherayef O, Al-Muslmani B (2017b) Assimilation of satellite altimetry, gravity, leveling and GOCE data for the definition of the Saudi Arabia National Reference Frame (SANVRF). Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G01 “Reference Frames”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Barzaghi R (2017) IGFS metadata for gravity and geoid. Structure, build-up and application module. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G07 “GGOS and Earth monitoring services”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Barzaghi R, Carrion D, Bonvalot S, Barthelmes F, Reguzzoni M, Wziontek H, Kelly K (2017) IGFS geodatabase development for gravity, geoid, GGM and DEM data. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G07 “GGOS and Earth monitoring services”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, and Tziavos IN (2017) Establishing an IHRF station. Presented at the 2017 Joint IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly, Session Session G02 “Static Gravity Field”, July 30 – August 4, Kobe, Japan. (Available in PDF format)


Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2017) The contribution of GIS to natural disaster management. Fotiou A, Georgoula O, Papadopoulou M, Rossikopoulos D, Spatalas S (eds.), Special Issue dedicated in memory of Professor Ioannis Paraschakis, Ziti Editions, pp. 257-268. (Available in PDF format).

Arabelos DN, Contadakis ME, Vergos GS, Spatalas S (2016) Variation of the Earth tide-seismicity compliance parameter during the recent seismic activity in Fthiotida, central Greece. Annals of Geophys 59(1): S0102. doi: 10.4401/ag-6795. (Available in PDF format from INGV).

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DN, Vergos GS, Scordilis EM, Spatalas SD (2016) Variation of the Earth tide-seismicity compliance parameter the last last 50 years for the South Himalaia fault, Nepal. Bul Geolog Soc Greece, 50, 1375-1485. doi: 10.12681/bgsg.11860. (Available in PDF format)

Mertikas SP, Tziavos IN, Galanakis D, Vergos GS, Andersen OB, Tripolitsiotis A, Frantzis Z, Lin M, Qiao F (2016) Gavdos/West Crete Cal-Val site: Over a decade calibrations for Jason series, SARAL/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, Sentinel-3 and HY-2 altimeter satellites. Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, ESA Publication SP-740, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9221-305-3, ISSN 1609-042X. (Available in PDF format)

Mertikas SP, Zhou X, Qiao F, Daskalakis A, Lin M, Peng H, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Tripolitsiotis A, FrantzisX (2016) First preliminary results for the absolute calibration of the Chinese HY-2 altimetric mission using the CRS1 calibration facilities in West Crete, Greece. Adv Space Res 57(1): 78-95. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2015.10.01.(Available in PDF format from Elsevier).

Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2016) Modeling the response of the Mediterranean sea level to global and regional climatic phenomena, revisited. Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, ESA Publication SP-740, ESA/ESTEC, ISBN (Online) 978-92-9221-305-3, ISSN 1609-042X. (Available in PDF format)

Ovakoglou G, Alexandridis TK, Crisman TL, Skoulikaris C, Vergos GS (2016) Use of MODIS satellite images for detailed lake morphometry: Application to basins with large water level fluctuations. Int J App Earth Obs Geo 51:37-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jag.2016.04.007. (Available in PDF format from Elsevier).

Peidou AC and Vergos GS (2016) Wavelet multi-resolution analysis of recent GOCE/GRACE GGMs. In: Jin S and Barzaghi R (eds) 3rd International Gravity Field Service Symposium (IGFS2014), International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 144, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 53-61. doi: 10.1007/1345_2015_44. (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form).

Tziavos IN, Alexandridis T, Aleksandrov B, Andrianopoulos A, Doukas I, Grigoras I, Grigoriadis VN, Papadopoulou ID, Savvaidis P, Stergioudis A, Teodorof L, Vergos GS, Vorobyova L, Zalidis GC (2016) Development of a Web-based GIS monitoring and environmental assessment system for the Black Sea: application in the Danube Delta area. Env Mon Asses 188(8): 188-492. doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5492-z. (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form).

Vergos GS, Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Pagounis V, Tziavos IN (2016) Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE GGMs over Attika and Thessaloniki, Greece, and Wo determination for height system unification. In: Jin S and Barzaghi R (eds) 3rd International Gravity Field Service Symposium (IGFS2014), International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 144, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 101-109. doi: 10.1007/1345_2015_53. (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form).

Altiparmaki OA, Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS (2016) SLA determination in coastal areas using Least-Squares Collocation and Cryosat data. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.(Available in PDF format)

Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Gruber T, Fecher T (2016) GOCE variance and covariance contribution to height system unification. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.(Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Varga M, Bjelotomic O, Gil AJ (2016c) Investigation of the contribution of topographic effects on regional geoid modeling within the Geomed2 project. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.(Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Varga M, Bjelotomic O, Gil AJ (2016d) Gravimetric geoid model development in the Mediterranean Sea within the Geomed2 project. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.(Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2016a) Theoretical and numerical investigations towards a new geoid model for the Mediterranean Sea – The GEOMED2 project. Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 17 – 23, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2016b) Improved representations of the Mediterranean Geoid within the GEOMED 2 project. Contributions of local gravity, GOCE and Cryosat2 data. Presented at the 2016 ESA Living Planet Symposium, Session “Solid Earth/Geodesy”, May 09 – 13, Prague, Czech Republic. (Available in PDF format)

Christodoulou K, Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2016) Monitoring Anthemounta’s active Fault by collocated GNSS and Gravity observations. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Available in PDF format)

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DN, Vergos GS, Spatalas S (2016a) The use of the Earth tide-seismicity compliance parameter maps for earthquake risk mitigation.Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session NH4.7 “Short-term Earthquakes Forecast (StEF) and multi-parametric time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH”, April 17 – 23, Vienna, Austria.(Available in PDF format)

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DN, Vergos GS, Scordilis EM, Spatalas S (2016b) Variation of the Earth tide-seismicity compliance parameter the last 50 years for the South Himalaia fault, Nepal. Presented at the 14th International conference of the Geological Society of Greece – EGE2016, May 25 – 27, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Available in PDF format)

Grigoriadis VN, Lambrou E, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2016) Assessment of the Greek Vertical Datum – A case study in central Greece. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.(Available in PDF format)

Mertikas SP, Tziavos IN, Galanakis D, Vergos GS, Andersen OB, Tripolitsiotis A, Frantzis Z, Lin M, Qiao F (2016) Gavdos/West Crete Cal-Val site: Over a decade calibrations for Jason series, SARAL/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, Sentinel-3 and HY-2 altimeter satellites. Presented at the 2016 ESA Living Planet Symposium, Session “Oceanography”, May 09 – 13, Prague, Czech Republic.

Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2016a) Contribution of climate forcing to sea level variations in the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session OS2.2 “Advances in Understanding of the Multi-Disciplinary Dynamics of the Southern European Seas Mediterranean and Black Sea”, April 17 – 23, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2016b) Modeling the response of the Mediterranean sea level to global and regional climatic phenomena, revisited. Presented at the 2016 ESA Living Planet Symposium, Session “Oceanography/Cryosat2 User Workshop”, May 09 – 13, Prague, Czech Republic. (Available in PDF format)

Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2016) Wavelet and FIR along-track filtering of Cryosat SSHs for DOT modeling in Mediterranean. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Erol B, Natsiopoulos DA, Grigoriadis VN, Işıkm MS, Tziavos IN (2016) GOCE-based height system unification between Greece and Turkey. First considerations over marine and land areas. Presented at the 2016 EGU General Assembly, Session OS4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: Data Analysis, Results and Future Concepts”, April 17 – 23, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Erol B, Natsiopoulos DA, Grigoriadis VNV, Isik MS, Tziavos IN (2016) GOCE-based Comparison and Unification of the Greek and Turkish Height Systems with special emphasis on the Aegean Sea and the Terrestrial-border Territories. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.(Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA, Tziavos IN (2016) Cryosat2 Insights in the Mediterranena circulation through wavelet multi-resolution analysis and selective filtering. Presented at the 2016 ESA Living Planet Symposium, Session “Oceanography/Cryosat2 User Workshop”, May 09 – 13, Prague, Czech Republic. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Grebenitcharsky R, Natsiopoulos DA, Al-Muslmani B (2016) Satellite Altimetry Data Analysis for Mean Sea Level Determination and Vertical Datum Definition of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.(Available in PDF format)

Willberg M, Gruber T, Vergos GS (2016) Height systems in Greece and its islands – some experimental results. Presented at the GGHS2016 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2016”, September 19-23, Thessaloniki, Greece.(Available in PDF format)


Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN (2016) Sea level variability in the Mediterranean Sea through satellite altimetry analytical covariance functions. Rossikopoulos D, Fotiou A, Paraschakis I (eds) Special Issue dedicated to the Emeritus Professor Christogeorgis Kaltsikis, Ziti Editions, pp. 327-347. (Available in PDF format).

Andritsanos VD, Arabatzi O, Gianniou M, Pagounis V, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Zachris E (2015) Comparison of Various GPS Processing Solutions toward an Efficient Validation of the Hellenic Vertical Network: The ELEVATION Project. J Surv Eng, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000164, 04015007. (Available in PDF format from ASCE).

Andritsanos VA, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Pagounis V, Tziavos IN (2015) GOCE/GRACE GGM evaluation over Attica and Thessaloniki, Greece and local geoid modelling in support of height unification. South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, 4(1):105-122. (Available in PDF format).

Carrion D, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Barzaghi R, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN (2015) Assessing the GOCE models accuracy in the Mediterranean area. Newton's Bulletin 5: 63-82. (Available in PDF format).

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DA, Vergos GS, Spatalas S (2015) TEC variations over the Mediteranean before and during the strong earthquake (M=6.2) of 12th October 2013 in Crete, Greece. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C(85-86): 9-16. doi: doi:10.1016/j.pce.2015.03.010. (Available in PDF format from Elsevier).

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Fratzis X, Tripolitsiotis A (2015) First Calibration Results for the SARAL/AltiKa Altimetric Mission using the Gavdos Permanent Facilities. Mar Geod 38(S1):249-259. doi: 10.1080/01490419.2015.1030052. (Available in PDF format from Taylor and Francis).

Peidou AC and Vergos GS (2015) GOCE GGM analysis through wavelet decomposition and reconstruction and validation with GPS/Leveling data. South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, 4(1):13-32. (Available in PDF format).

Tocho C, Vergos GS (2015a) Assessment of different-generation GOCE-only and GOCE/GRACE Earth Global Gravity Models over Argentina using terrestrial gravity anomalies and GPS/Levelling data. Newton's Bulletin 5: 105-126. (Available in PDF format).

Tocho C, Vergos GS (2015b) Estimation of the geopotential value W0 for the Local Vertical Datum of Argentina using EGM2008 and GPS/Levelling data. In: Rizos C and Willis P (eds) IAG 150 Years, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 143, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 271-279. doi: 10.1007/1345_2015_32. (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form).

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA, Natsiopoulos DA (2015) Validation of GOCE/GRACE satellite only and combined global geopotential models over Greece, in the frame of the GOCESeaComb Project. In: Rizos C and Willis P (eds) IAG 150 Years, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 143, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 297-304. doi: 10.1007/1345_2015_160. (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form)

Vergos GS, Arabelos DN, Contadakis ME (2015) Evidence for tidal triggering on the earthquakes of the Hellenic Arc, Greece. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C(85-86): 210-215. doi: 10.1016/j.pce.2015.02.004. (Available in PDF format from Elsevier).

Barzaghi R, Albertella A, Carrion D, Bruinsma A, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2015) The GEOMED 2 project: a high resolution geoid of the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field Models and Observations”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic. (Available in PDF format)

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DA, Vergos GS, Spatalas S (2015a) Variation of the Earth tide-seismicity compliance parameter the last 50 years for the west site of the Aegean Volcanic Arc, Greece. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session S07a “S07a Seismic Hazard and Risk: Frontiers in Seismic Hazard Assessment”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic. (Available in PDF format)

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DA, Vergos GS, Spatalas S, Skeberis Ch (2015b) Variation of the Earth tide-seismicity compliance parameter the last 50 years for the seismic area of Evoikos, Greece. Presented at the 2015 EGU General Assembly, Session SM3.1/NH4.3 “Earthquakes Short-term Prediction and time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)”, April 12th – 17th, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Grebenitcharsky RS, Vergos GS, Piretzidis D, Tziavos IN (2015) Combination of GOCE SGG data and surface gravity anomalies for local/regional geoid determination. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field Models and Observations”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic. (Available in PDF format)

Mertikas S, Tziavos IN, Galanakis D, Frantzis X, Vergos GS, Tripolitsiotis A, Andersen O (2015) Jason-1, Jason-2, SARAL/AltiKa and HY-2 altimeter calibrations over a decade at the Gavdos/Crete Cal/Val sites. Presented at the 2015 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, Session "Regional and Global CAL/VAL for Assembling a Climate Data Record", October, 19-23 2015, Reston, VA, USA.

Natsiopoulos VD, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2015) Modeling the response of the Mediterranean sea level to global and regional climatic phenomena. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session G08 “Sea-Level Observation and Modelling”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic.(Available in PDF format)

Peidou AC, Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2015) Spectral improvements of recent GOCE GGMs through spatial selective filtering using wavelet-based multi-resolution approximation. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field Models and Observations”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic. (Available in PDF format)

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Piñon D (2015) Wo determination for Argentinean height system unification. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session G06 “Unified Height System”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic. (Available in PDF format)

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Pagounis V (2015) GOCE/GRACE GGM evaluation over Attika and Thessaloniki, Greece and local geoid modeling in support of height unification. Presented at the 2015 IUGG General Assembly, Session G02 “Static Gravity Field Models and Observations”, June 22 – July 2, Prague, Czech Republic.(Available in PDF format)

Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2015) A study of global bathymetry model and echosoundings data in the area of the Axios-Loudias-Aliakmonas river Delta. Arvanitis A, Lafazani P, Mpasmpas S, Papadopoulou M, Paraschakis I, Rossikopoulos D (eds), "Cartographies of Mind, Soul and Knowledge" Special Issue dedicated to the Emeritus Professor Myron Myridis, Ziti Editions, pp. 829-841. (Available in PDF format).


Grigoriadis VN, Kotsakis C, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2014) Estimation of the geopotential value Wo for the local vertical datum of continental Greece using EGM08 and GPS/leveling data. In: Marti U (ed) Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 141, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 249-255. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10837-7_32 (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form).

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Pacino MC (2014) Evaluation of the latest GOCE/GRACE derived Global Geopotential Models over Argentina with collocated GPS/Leveling observations. In: Marti U (ed) Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 141, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 75-83. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10837-7_10 (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form).

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Kotsakis C (2014) Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE Global Geopotential Models over Greece with collocated GPS/Levelling observations and local gravity data. In: Marti U (ed) Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 141, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 85-92. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10837-7_11 (Available in PDF format also from Springer in the printed form).

Andritsanos VD, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Pagounis V, Tziavos IN (2014) Spectral characteristics of the Hellenic vertical network - Validation over Central and Northern Greece using GOCE/GRACE global geopotential models. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: GRACE, GOCE and Future Gravity Missions”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Barzaghi R, Albertella A, Cazzaniga NE, Bonvalot S, Bruinsma A, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN (2014) Estimating Geoid and Sea Surface Topography in the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 3rd International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly (IGFS 2014), June 30-July 6, 2014, Shanghai, China. (Available in PDF format)

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DA, Vergos GS, Spatalas S (2014a) TEC variations over Mediteranean before and during the strong earthquake (M=6.2) of 12th October 2013 in Crete, Greece. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session NH4.3 “Electro-magnetic phenomena and connections with seismo-tectonic activity”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria.(Available in PDF format)

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DA, Vergos GS, Spatalas S (2014b) Variation of the Earth tide-seismicity compliance parameter during the recent seismic activity of Fthiotida, Greece. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session SM3.2/NH4.4 “Earthquakes Short-term Prediction and Dynamic Assessment of Seismic Hazard”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria.(Available in PDF format)

Grebenitcharsky RS, Vergos GS, Piretzidis D, Tziavos IN (2014) GOCE gradient downward continuation for local/regional gravity field recovery. Presented at the 5th GOCE User Workshop, November 24-29, Unesco, Paris, France. (Available in PDF format)

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Peng H, Zhou X, Qiao F, Zervakis V (2014a) Latest absolute calibration results for Jason-2 and HY-2 satellites using the Gavdos/Crete permanent calibration facilities. Presented at the 2014 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) Meeting, October 28-31, Lake Constance, Germany. (Available in PDF format)

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2014b) Absolute calibration of the SARAL/ALTIKA satellite altimeter using the permanent facility on Gavods, Greece. Presented at the SARAL/AltiKa workshop, October 27, Lake Constance, Germany.(Available in PDF format)

Mertikas S, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2014c) Absolute Calibration of SARAL/Altika in Gavdos. Presented in the 2014 SARAL International Science and Applications Meeting, 22 - 24 April 2014, Ahmedabad, India.(Available in PDF format)

Mertikas S, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2014)d Deep Bathymetry Changes sensed by satellite altimeters around the coastal zone of Gavdos/Crete permanent Satellite Calibration Facility. Presented in the SPIE Remote Sensing 2014 Conference, 22 - 25 September 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Natsiopoulos VD, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2014) Modeling the barotropic response of the Mediterranean sea level to atmospheric pressure forcing. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session OS2.2 “Advances in understanding of the multi-disciplinary dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea)”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria.(Available in PDF format)

Peidou A and Vergos GS (2014a) GOCE GGM analysis through wavelet decomposition and reconstruction and validation with GPS/Leveling data. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: GRACE, GOCE and Future Gravity Missions”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria.(Available in PDF format)

Peidou A and Vergos GS (2014b) Wavelet multi-resolution analysis of recent GOCE/GRACE GGMs. Presented at the 3rd International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly (IGFS 2014), June 30-July 6, 2014, Shanghai, China. (Available in PDF format)

Tocho CN and Vergos GS (2014a) Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE GGMs over Argentina with GPS/Leveling and gravity anomaly data. Presented at the 3rd International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly (IGFS 2014), June 30-July 6, 2014, Shanghai, China.(Available in PDF format)

Tocho C, Vergos GS (2014b) Estimation of the geopotential value Wo for the local vertical datum of Argentina using EGM08 and GPS/levelling data. Presented at the XXVII Scientific Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Geophysics and Geodesy (AAGG2014), November 10-14, San Juan, Argentina.

Vergos GS, Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Pagounis V, Tziavos IN (2014) Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE GGMs over Attika and Thessaloniki, Greece, and Wo determination for height system unification. Presented at the 3rd International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly (IGFS 2014), June 30-July 6, 2014, Shanghai, China. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Natsiopoulos DA, Tzanou EA (2014) GOCE/GRACE GGM evaluation over Greece with GPS/Leveling and gravity data. Presented at the 5th GOCE User Workshop, November 24-29, Unesco, Paris, France. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA (2014) DOT and SLA stationary and time-varying analytical covariance functions for LSC-based heterogeneous data combination. Presented at the 2014 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent developments in geodetic theory”, April 27th - May 2nd, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Alexandridis TK, Alexandrov BG, Monachou S, Kalogeropoulos C, Strati S, Vorobyova L, Bogatova Y, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Topaloglou C (2013) Monitoring water quality parameters in the marine area of Danube Delta using satellite remote sensing. Proc. SPIE 8795, First International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2013), 87950P, doi:10.1117/12.2027210. (Available in PDF format from SPIE).

Anastasiou Anastasiou D, Gaifillia D, Katsdourou A, Kolyvaki E, Papanikolaou X, Gianniou M, Vergos GS, Pagounis V (2013) First validation of the Hellenic vertical datum as a prerequisite for the efficient disaster and resources management: the “Elevation” project. In: Dalyot S (ed), FIG Commission 3 “Spatial Information” conference proceedings, Athens, Greece. (Available in PDF format).

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Andersen OB, Vergos GS, Tripolitsiotis A, Zervakis V, Frantzis X, Partsinevelos P (2013a) Altimetry, Bathymetry and Geoid variations at the Gavdos permanent Cal/Val Facility. Adv Space Res 51(8): 1418-1437, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2012.10.021. (Available in PDF format from Elsevier).

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Andersen OB, Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2013b) Local marine geoid variations and Jason-2 bias determination using the Gavdos permanent Cal/Val facility. European Space Agency “20 Years of progress in radar altimetry”, ESA Publications SP-710. (Available in PDF format).

Tzanou EA, Vergos GS (2013) The impact of recent high-resolution global digital elevation models to the determination of basin hydrological properties. In: Perakis K and Moysiadis A (eds) Advances in Geosciences, 32nd European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) Symposia, pp. 270-283. (Available in PDF format).

Tzanou EA, Vergos GS, Vergos SG (2013) Assessing forest fire risk and fire propagation in the area of Valia Calda, National Park of North Pindos, Greece. In: Perakis K and Moysiadis A (eds) Advances in Geosciences, 32nd European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) Symposia, pp. 231-243. (Available in PDF format).

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Grigoriadis VN, Tripolitsiotis A (2013) The contribution of local gravimetric geoid models to the calibration of satellite altimetry data and an outlook of the latest GOCE GGM performance in GAVDOS. Adv Space Res 51(8): 1502-1522, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2012.06.013. (Available in PDF format from Elsevier).

Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2013) Ocean remote sensing altimetric satellites in support of sea level anomalies and mean sea surface modeling. In: Perakis K and Moysiadis A (eds) Advances in Geosciences, 32nd European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) Symposia, pp. 398-423. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA, Tziavos IN (2013) Sea level anomaly and dynamic ocean topography analytical covariance functions in the Mediterranean Sea from ENVISAT data. European Space Agency “20 Years of progress in radar altimetry”, ESA Publications SP-710. (Available in PDF format).


Alexandridis TK, Alexandrov BG, Monachou S, Kalogeropoulos C, Strati S, Vorobyova L, Bogatova Y, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Topaloglou C (2013) Monitoring water quality parameters in the marine area of Danube Delta using satellite remote sensing. Presented at the First International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation 2013, April 8-10, Paphos, Cyprus.

Contadakis ME, Arabelos DA, Vergos GS (2013) Testing the recent Santorini seismic activity for possible tidal triggering effect. Presented at the 2013 EGU General Assembly, Session SM3.2 “Earthquake precursors, bioanomalies prior to earthquakes and prediction”, April 7th-12th, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Katsadourou A, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2013) Mean dynamic ocean topography determination from recent GOCE/GRACE geopotential models and satellite altimetry data. Presented at the 2013 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: GRACE, GOCE and Future Gravity Missions”, April 7th-12th, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Kolyvaki E, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2013) GRACE induced mass changes over continental and marine areas and correlations with rain-gauge data and oscillation indexes. Presented at the 2013 EGU General Assembly, Session G3.2 “Determination of Mass Transport and Distribution in the Earth System”, April 7th-12th, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Peng H, Tziavos IN, Zhou X, Vergos GS, Zervakis V, Andersen OB (2013a) Latest Results for the absolute calibration of Jason and HY-2 satellites using the Gavdos/Crete permanent calibration facility. Presented at the 2013 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) Meeting, October 8-11, Boulder CO, USA.(Available in PDF format)

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Andersen OA, Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2013b) Bathymetry changes sensed with altimetry at the Gavdos permanent Cal/Val facility. Presented at the First International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation 2013, April 8-10, Paphos, Cyprus.

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Andersen OA, Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2013c) Steep bathymetry changes close to the coast as sensed with altimetry at the Gavdos permanent Cal/Val facility. Presented at the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, September 9-13, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. (Available in PDF format)

Mertikas SP, Zervakis V, Tserolas P, Tziavos IN, Andersen OA, Daskalakis A, Vergos GS (2013d) Analysis of Sea Level Trends with Altimetry around the coastal zone of Gavdos permanent Cal/Val Facility. Presented at the ESA 7th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, October 7-8, Boulder CO, USA. (Available in PDF format)

Natsiopoulos A, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2013) On the determination of EVISAT SLA analytical covariance functions and correlation with climate indexes. Presented at the 2013 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent developments in geodetic theory”, April 7th-12th, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Pacino MC (2013) Preliminary estimation of the geopotential value WO for value WO the Local Vertical Datum of Argentina using EGM2008 and GPS/Levelling data. Presented at the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Session 2.6 “Unification of Height Systems”, September 1st-6th, Potsdam, Germany. (Available in PDF format)

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA, Natsiopoulos DA (2013) External calibration/validation of ESA’s GOCE mission and contribution to DOT and SLA determination using a stochastic approach - The GOCESeaComb Project. Presented at the 2013 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: GRACE, GOCE and Future Gravity Missions”, April 7th-12th, Vienna, Austria.(Available in PDF format)

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA, Natsiopoulos DA (2013b) Validation of GOCE/GRACE satellite only and combined global geopotential models over Greece, in the frame of the GOCESeaComb Project. Presented at the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Session 2.2 “Global Gravity Field Models”, September 1st-6th, Potsdam, Germany. (Available in PDF format)

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, and the ECO-Satellite Team (2013) Development of a WebGIS-based monitoring and environmental protection and preservation system for the Black Sea: The ECO-Satellite project. Presented at the 2013 EGU General Assembly, Session OS2.2 “Advances in understanding of the multi-disciplinary dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea)”, April 7th-12th, Vienna, Austria. (Available in PDF format)


Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2013) Determination of mean sea surface and sea level anomaly models in different regional and temporal scales by altimetric data. Katsampalos KV, Rossikopoulos D, Spatalas SD, Tokamkidis K (eds.), Special Issue dedicated to the Emeritus Professor Dimitrios Vlachos, Ziti Editions, pp. 247-268. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2013) Unification of the Greek vertical datum through a deterministic adjustment of tide gauge, marine geoid and sea surface topography data. Arabelos D, Kaltsikis Ch, Spatalas SD, Tziavos IN (eds.), "Thales", Special Issue dedicated to Professor Emeritus Michael Kontadakis, Ziti Editions, pp. 304-325. (Available in PDF format).


Savvaidis P, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Papadopoulou ID, Stergioudis A (2012) A WebGIS-based monitoring and decision support tool for the environmental protection and preservation of the Black Sea: The ECO-Satellite project. In: Proc. “Modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields”, 20th International Symposium, 08 - 09 November, Sofia, 2012.(Available in PDF format).

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2012) Investigation of topographic reductions for marine geoid determination in the presence of an ultra-high resolution reference geopotential model. In: Kenyon S, Pacino C, Marti U (eds) Geodesy for Planet Earth, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 136, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 419-426. (Available in PDF format).

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD (2012) Adjustment of collocated GPS, geoid and orthometric height observations in Greece. Geoid or orthometric height improvement? In: Kenyon S, Pacino C, Marti U (eds) Geodesy for Planet Earth, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 136, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 481-488. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Sideris MG (2012) On the determination of sea level changes by combining altimetric, tide gauge, satellite gravity and atmospheric observations. In: Kenyon S, Pacino C, Marti U (eds) Geodesy for Planet Earth, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 136, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 123-130. (Available in PDF format).


Anastasiou D, Gaifillia D, Katsdourou A, Kolyvaki E, Papanikolaou X, Gianniou M, Vergos GS, Pagounis V (2012) First validation of the Hellenic vertical datum as a prerequisite for the efficient disaster and resources management: the “Elevation” project. Presented at the FIG Commission 3 “Spatial Information” conference, December 10th-14th, 2012, Athens, Greece.

Contadakis M.E., Arabelos D.A., Vergos GS (2012) TEC variations over North-western Balkan Peninsula before and during the seismic activity of 24th May 2009. Presented at the 2012 EGU General Assembly, Session NH4.5 “Electro-magnetic phenomena and connections with seismo-tectonic activity”, April 22nd-27th, Vienna, Austria.

Grigoriadis VN, Kotsakis C, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2012) Estimation of the geopotential value Wo for the local vertical datum of continental Greece using EGM08 and GPS/leveling data. Presented at the IAG Commission 2 “Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems GGHS2012” conference, October 9th-12th, Venice, Italy.

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Andersen OA, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2012a) Steep Bathymetry Changes in the Coastal Region South of Gavdos and their Relation to the Altimeter Bias of Jason-2. Presented at the European Space Agency “20 Years of progress in radar altimetry” Conference, September 24th-29th, Venice, Italy.

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Andersen OA, Zervakis V (2012b) Altimetry and Bathymetry trends around the coastal zone of Gavdos permanent Cal/Val Facility. Presented at the 6th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, September 20th-21st, Riva del Garda, Italy.

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Zhou X, Tziavos IN, Andersen OA, Chen Y.Q., Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2012c) Latest results for the determination of absolute bias for Jason-2 and HY-2 satellites using the Gavdos & Crete Cal/Val permanent facilities. Presented at the European Space Agency “20 Years of progress in radar altimetry - Ocean Surface Topography Mission 2012” Conference, September 24th-29th, Venice, Italy.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Pacino MC (2012) Evaluation of the latest GOCE/GRACE derived Global Geopotential Models over Argentina and contribution to W0 determination. Presented at the IAG Commission 2 “Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems GGHS2012” conference, October 9th-12th, Venice, Italy.

Tzanou EA, Vergos GS (2012a) Determination of the hydrological properties of a small-scale catchment area in Northern Greece from ASTER and SRTM DEMs and accuracy assessment with a local DTM. Presented at the 2012 EGU General Assembly, Session HS6.4 “Catchment hydrology and remote sensing: parameter retrieval and integration with models”, April 22nd-27th, Vienna, Austria.

Tzanou EA, Vergos GS (2012b) The impact of recent high-resolution global digital elevation models to the determination of basin hydrological properties. An application to Northern Greece. Presented at the 32nd European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSel) Symposium “Advances in Geosciences”, May 21-24, Myconos, Greece.

Tzanou EA, Vergos GS, Vergos SG (2012) Assessing forest fire risk and fire propagation in the area of Valia Calda, National Park of North Pindos, Greece. Presented at the 32nd European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSel) Symposium “Advances in Geosciences”, May 21-24, Myconos, Greece.

Vergos GS (2012a) Student Internship program at the RSE/AUTH. Experiences and potential for the future. Invited talk at the TEI Athens “Role of the Internship Program in the RSE profession: Experiences and Prospects” conference, December 11th-12th, Athens, Greece.

Vergos GS (2012b) Student Internship program at the RSE/AUTH and student mobility. Presented at the “50 Years of RSE/AUTH” Day, KE.D.E.A. Building, AUTH, Devember 14, 2012, Thessaloniki.

Vergos GS, Arabelos D.A., Contadakis M.E. (2012) Evidence for Tidal triggering on the earthquakes of the Hellenic Arc, Greece. Presented at the 2012 EGU General Assembly, Session SM5.4/NH4.6 «Time-dependent earthquake occurrence and seismic hazard: physics and statistics”, April 22nd-27th, Vienna, Austria.

Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2012) Ocean remote sensing altimetric satellites in support of sea level anomalies and mean sea surface modeling. Presented at the 32nd European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSel) Symposium “Advances in Geosciences”, May 21-24, Myconos, Greece.

Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA, Tziavos IN (2012) Sea level anomaly and dynamic ocean topography analytical covariance functions in the Mediterranean Sea from ENVISAT data. Presented at the European Space Agency “20 Years of progress in radar altimetry” Conference, September 24th-29th, Venice, Italy.

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tziavos IN, Kotsakis C (2012) Evaluation of GOCE/GRACE Global Geopotential Models over Greece with collocated GPS/Levelling observations and local gravity data. Presented at the IAG Commission 2 “Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems GGHS2012” conference, October 9th-12th, Venice, Italy.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2012a) Assessment of the recent GOCE/GRACE earth geopotential models over a network of collocated GPS/Levelling benchmarks in Greece. Presented at the 2012 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: GRACE, GOCE and Future Gravity Missions”, April 22nd-27th, Vienna, Austria.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2012b) A first outlook of GOCE contribution to the determination of the dynamic ocean topography and ocean circulation in the Mediterranean Sea. Presented at the 2012 EGU General Assembly, Session G4.2 “Satellite Gravimetry: GRACE, GOCE and Future Gravity Missions”, April 22nd-27th, Vienna, Austria.

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Frantzis X, Tripolitsiotis A, Partsinevelos P, Andrikopoulos D, Zervakis V (2011) Ascending and Descending Passes for the Determination of the Altimeter Bias of Jason Satellites using the Gavdos facility. Mar Geod 34(S3-S4): 261-276, doi: 10.1080/01490419.2011.584837. (Available in pdf format through Taylor and Francis).

Vergos GS (2011) The recent gravity-field dedicated satellite missions and applications to geosciences. CHOROgrafies, “Spatial Approaches”, 2(1)1-11. ISSN: 1792-3913. (Available in PDF format).

Mertikas SP, Andersen OA, Daskalakis A, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2011a) Local Reference Surface Models for Calibrating Jason-2 at Gavdos. Presented at the 5th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, October 16-18, San Diego, California.

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Andersen OA, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Zervakis V (2011b) Recent Results for Jason-2 altimeter bias using the Gavdos Cal/Val Facility. Presented at the Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, October 19-21, San Diego, California.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2011) An investigation of the common adjustment between GPS, geoid and orthometric heights in a network of BMs in northern Greece with the recent GOCE-based GGMs and local geoid models. Presented at the 2011 EGU General Assembly, Session G14 “Recent Development in Geodetic Theory”, April 3rd-8th, Vienna, Austria.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, V.N. Grigoriadis, D.A, Natsiopoulos (2011) Mean sea surface and geoid models in the Aegean Sea. Presented at the XXV General Assembly of the IUGG, Session U08 “Global and Regional Sea Level Change”, June 28th – July 7th, Melbourne, Australia.

Fotiou A, Grigoriadis VN, Pikridas C, Rossikopoulos D, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2010) Combination Schemes for Local Orthometric Height Determination from GPS Measurements and Gravity Data. In: Mertikas SP (ed) Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation 2008, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 135, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 309-314. (Available in PDF format).

Mertikas S, Daskalakis A, Hausleitner W, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Zervakis V, Partsinevelos P, Frantzis X, Andrikopoulos D, Tripolitsiotis A (2010) Calibration of satellite radar altimeters at Gavdos Cal/Val facility using three different methodologies. Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, June 28 – July 2, Bergen, Norway. ESA Special Publication SP-686. (Available in PDF format).

Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tserolas V, Hausleitner W, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Zervakis V, Frantzis X, Tripolitsiotis A, Partsinevelos P, Andrikopoulos D (2010) Absolute calibration of Jason satellite radar altimeters at Gavdos Cal/Val facility using independent techniques. Proc vol 7825 (78250C), Bostater CR, Mertikas SP, Neyt X, Velez-Reyes M (eds.), Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice and Large Water Regions 2010, doi: 10.1117/12.865991. (Available in PDF format).

Mertikas SP, Ioannides RT, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Hausleitner W, Frantzis X, Tripolitsiotis A, Partsinevelos P, Andrikopoulos D (2010) Statistical Models and Latest Results in the Determination of the Absolute Bias for the Radar Altimeters of Jason Satellites using the Gavdos facility. Mar Geod 33(S1): 114-149, doi: 10.1080/01490419.2010.488973. (Available in pdf format through Taylor and Francis).

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2010) Further Improvements in the Determination of the Marine Geoid in Argentina by Employing Recent GGMs and Sea Surface Topography Models. In: Mertikas SP (ed) Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation 2008, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 135, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 369-376. (Available in PDF format).

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN (2010) Investigation of topographic reductions and aliasing effects to gravity and the geoid over Greece based on various digital terrain models. Surveys in Geophysics 31(3):23-67. doi: 10.1007/s10712-009-9085-z. (Available in PDF format from Springer).


Mertikas SP, Daskalakis A, Tserolas V, Hausleitner W, Tziavos IN, Zervakis V, Frantzis X, Tripolitsiotis A, Vergos GS, Partsinevelos P, Andrikopoulos D (2010) Absolute calibration of Jason satellite radar altimeters at Gavdos Cal/Val facility using independent techniques. Presented at the SPIE's International Symposium, Remote Sensing Europe (ERS10) - "Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2010", September 20-23, Toulouse, France.

Mertikas S, Ioannides R, Hausleitner W, Tziavos IN, Zervakis V, Frantzis X, Tripolitsiotis A, Vergos GS, Partsinevelos P, Andrikopoulos D (2010) Calibration of satellite radar altimeters at Gavdos Cal/Val facility using three different methodologies. Presented at ESA Living Planet Symposium, June 28 – July 2, Bergen, Norway.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2010a) Investigation of topographic reductions and aliasing effects on gravity and the geoid over continental Argentina. Presented at the 2010 AGU Meeting of the Americas, August 8 – 13, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2010b) An analysis of gravimetric reductions and their corresponding aliasing effects towards geoid determination in continental Argentina. Presented at the XXV Scientific Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Geophysics and Geodesy (AAGG2010), November 3-5, Córdoba, Argentina.

Vergos GS (2010) Modern methods of monitoring the Earth’s gravity field and applications to geodesy, surveying and oceanography. Invited speech to the conference «Satellite Geodesy: Modern systems and applications». Surveying Department, Technical Educational Institute of Athens, May 26th 2010.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2010) On the combined adjustment of tide gauge, marine geoid and sea surface topography towards the unification of the Greek vertical datum. Presented at the 2010 EGU General Assembly, Session G14 “Recent Development in Geodetic Theory”, May 2nd-4th, Vienna, Austria.

Mertikas S, Ioannidis R, Frantzis X, Tripolitsiotis A, Partsinevelos P, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Hausleitner W (2010) Recent measurements for the bias determination of Jason1 and Jason2 altimeters at the dedicated calibration facility of the Faculty of Engineering at Gavdos. Honorary Volume to the memory of Professor G. Kavouridis, Technical University of Chania Publications, pp. 143-150 (in greek) (Available in PDF format).

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2010) Sea level variations and impact in coastal areas. International Year for Planet Earth – Water Source of Life, University Studio Press, Thessaloniki, pp. 97-99 (in greek).

Vergos GS (2010) Estimation of the time-varying part of the dynamic sea surface topography from the combined adjustment of geodetic and oceanographic data. Kaltsikis Ch Kontadakis, ME, Spatalas SD, Tziavos IN, Tokmakidis K (eds.), «The apple of knowledge», Special Issue dedicated to the Emeritus Professor Demetrius N. Arabelos, Ziti Editions, pp. 299-310 (Available in PDF format).

Barzaghi R, Maggi A, Tselfes N, Tsoulis D, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2009) Combination of Gravimetry, Altimetry and GOCE Data for Geoid Determination in the Mediterranean: Evaluation and Simulation. Ιn: Sideris MG (ed) Observing our Changing Earth, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 133, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 195-202. (Available in PDF format).

Barzaghi R, Tselfes N, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2009) Geoid and High Resolution Sea Surface Topography Modelling in the Mediterranean from Gravimetry, Altimetry and GOCE Data: Evaluation by Simulation. Journal of Geodesy, 83(8):751-772. doi: 10.1007/s00190-008-0292-z. (Available in PDF format from Springer).

Kotzev VM, Pashova LG, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grebenitcharsky RS (2009) Multi-Satellite Marine Geoid for the Black Sea. Compt rend Acad bulg Sci 62(5): 621-630. (Available in PDF format).

Mertikas SP, Ioannides RT, Frantzis X, Tripolitsiotis A, Partsinevelos P, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Hausleitner W (2009) Recent developments for the estimation of the altimeter bias for the Jason-1&2 satellites using the dedicated calibration site at Gavdos. Proc vol 7473 (74730C), Bostater CR, Mertikas SP, Neyt X, Velez-Reyes M (eds.), Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice and Large Water Regions 2009, doi: 10.1117/12.830403. (Available in PDF format).

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2009) Investigation of topographic reductions for marine geoid determination in the presence of an ultra-high resolution reference geopotential model. Presented at the 2009 Scientific Assembly of the IAG, Geodesy for Planet Earth, August 31 – September 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD (2009) Adjustment of collocated GPS, geoid and orthometric height observations in Greece. Geoid or orthometric height improvement? Presented at the 2009 Scientific Assembly of the IAG, Geodesy for Planet Earth, August 31 – September 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2009) Investigation of height combination schemes for sea surface topography determination in the presence of satellite gravimetry data. Presented at the 2009 EGU General Assembly, Session G11 “High resolution geoid modelling with satellite, marine, terrestrial, and airborne gravity data”, April 19th-24th, Vienna, Austria.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Sideris MG (2009) On the determination of sea level changes by combining altimetric, tide gauge, satellite gravity and atmospheric observations. Presented at the 2009 Scientific Assembly of the IAG, Geodesy for Planet Earth, August 31 – September 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2009) A geodetic perspective to the estimation of the quasi-stationary sea surface topography and current velocities in a closed sea area. Arabelos DN, Kontadakis ME, Kaltsikis Ch, Spatalas SD (eds), The Earth and Stellar Environment, Honorary Volume to Professor G. Asteriadis, Ziti Editions, pp. 199-208. (Available in PDF format).

Sansò F, Venuti G, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN (2008) Geoid and Sea Surface Topography from satellite and ground data in the Mediterranean region - A review and new proposals. Bulletin of Geodesy and Geomatics 67(3): 155-201. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2008a) Monitoring System Earth with the Recent and Forthcoming Gravity-Field Dedicated Satellite Missions. Presented at the “Studying, Modeling and Sense Making of Planet Earth” 2008 International Conference, June 1-6, Mytilene, Greece (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2008b) Sea Level Variability in the Aegean Sea as a Tool for Climate Change Monitoring. Presented at the “Studying, Modeling and Sense Making of Planet Earth” 2008 International Conference, June 1-6, Mytilene, Greece (Available in PDF format).

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN (2008) Marine gravity field modeling using spectral methods. Presented at the 2008 EGU General Assembly, Session G1 “Marine Gravity Field Modeling”, April 13th-18th, Vienna, Austria.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Papageorgiou P, Grigoriadis VN (2008) Validation of the SRTM and SRTM PLUS DTMs in Northern Greece for geoid and gravity field modeling. Presented at the Gravity, Geoid and Earth Observation 2008 (GGEO2008) of the IAG, June 23-27, Chania, Greece.

Müller A, Bürki B, Limpach P, Kahle HG, Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2006) Validation of marine geoid models in the North Aegean Sea using satellite altimetry, marine GPS data and astrogeodetic measurements. In: Forsberg R, Kiliçoğlu A (eds) 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, Gravity Field of the Earth, General Command of Mapping, Special Issue 18, pp. 90-95. (Available in PDF format).

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2007) Evaluation of the SRTM 90m DTM over Argentina and its Implications to Gravity Field and Geoid Modelling. In: Forsberg R, Kiliçoğlu A (eds) 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, Gravity Field of the Earth, General Command of Mapping, Special Issue 18, pp. 324-329. (Available in PDF format).

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2007b) Estudio preliminar de geoide marino en el océano atlántico Argentine. Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas 13(1): 3-21. (Available in PDF format)

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Kalampoukas G, Tziavos IN (2007) Accuracy assessment of the SRTM 90m DTM over Greece and its implications to geoid modeling. In: Tregoning P, Rizos C (eds) Dynamic Planet 2005 - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol.130 Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 309-315. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Grigoriadis V, Tziavos IN, Sideris MG (2007) Combination of multi-satellite altimetry data with CHAMP and GRACE EGMs for geoid and sea surface topography determination. In: Tregoning P, Rizos C (eds) Dynamic Planet 2005 - Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol.130 Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 244-250. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2007) Determination of the quasi-stationary sea surface topography from a common adjustment of a geodetic and an oceanographic model. In: Forsberg R, Kiliçoğlu A (eds) 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service, Gravity Field of the Earth, General Command of Mapping, Special Issue 18, pp. 235-241. (Available in PDF format).


Novák P, Tsoulis D, Kadlec M, Vergos GS (2007) Numerical evaluation of terrain induced gravitational potentials and their derivatives by combination of analytical formulae and discrete integration. Presented at the EGU 2007 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2007) Estimation of a New High-Accuracy Marine Geoid Model Offshore Argentina Using CHAMP- and GRACE-derived Geopotential Models. Presented at the XXIV General Assembly of the IUGG (IUGG2007), July 2-13, Perugia, Italy.

Tsoulis D, Novák P, Vergos GS, Kadlec M (2007) Evaluation of the terrain-generated gravitational potential and its directional derivatives by combination of analytical formulae and numerical integration. Presented at the XXIV General Assembly of the IUGG (IUGG2007), July 2-13, Perugia, Italy.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Tsoulis D, Andritsanos VD, Tzanou EA (2007) Analysis of Repeated GPS Measurements over a geodetic network and a common adjustment of heterogeneous height data. Presented at the XXIV General Assembly of the IUGG (IUGG2007), July 2-13, Perugia, Italy.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2007a) Height Datum Unification in Greece employing tide gauge, marine geoid and sea surface topography data. Presented at the XXIV General Assembly of the IUGG (IUGG2007), July 2-13, Perugia, Italy.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2007b) Estimating the Time-Variable Component of the Sea Surface Topography with Geodetic Data. Presented at the XXIV General Assembly of the IUGG (IUGG2007), July 2-13, Perugia, Italy.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2005) A new marine geoid model for Argentina combining altimetry, shipborne gravity data and CHAMP/GRACE-type EGMs. Geodesy and Cartography 54(4): 177-189. (Available in PDF format).

Tzanou EA, Vergos GS, Vergos SG (2005) Hydrology of the Northern Pindos Mountains (Greece): Emphasis on erosion problems caused by land management. Proceedings of the 12th Panhellenic Forestry Conference, Avtzis ND (ed), pp. 113-120. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Sideris MG (2006) On the validation of CHAMP- and GRACE-type EGMs and the construction of a combined model. Geodesy and Cartography 55(3): 115-131. (Abstract available in PDF format – Full paper: on request from the authors).

Aretos V, Vergos GS, Vergos SG (2006) Centaurea Messenicolasiana. A local native species of the area around Lake N. Plastiras. Proceedings of the 12th Panhellenic Forestry Conference, Avtzis ND (ed), pp. 143-148. (Available in PDF format).


 Vergos GS (2006) Study of the Earth’s Gravity Field and Sea Surface Topography in Greece by combining surface data and data from the new satellite missions of CHAMP and GRACE. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, January 2006. (in Greek) (Available in PDF format)(~34 MB so please be patient)

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2006a) Efectos de aliasing en la determinación de geoide. Presented at Simposio Internacional: Gravedad y Geoide en Sud América, September 25-29, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2006b) Validación y evaluación del modelo digital de terreno SRTM en Argentina y sus implicancias en la geodesia física. Presented at the XXIII Scientific Meeting of the Argentinean Association of Geophysics and Geodesy (AAGG2006), August 14-18, Bahia Blanca, Argentina.

Tziavos IN, Sideris MG, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Andritsanos VD (2006) An overview of spectral methods for the optimal processing of satellite altimetry and other data. Presented at the “15 Years of Progress in Satellite Altimetry“ Symposium, March 13-18, Venice, Italy.

Tziavos IN, Tsoulis D, Andritsanos VD, Grigoriadis VN, Tzanou EA, Vergos GS (2006) Establishment of a GPS network in Northern Greece for geodetic and geodynamic applications. Presented at the 1st International Symposium of the International Gravity Field Service “Gravity Field of the Earth”, August 28 – September 1 2006, Istanbul.

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS (2006) Validation of CHAMP and GRACE derived EGMs and some notes on the combined adjustment of heterogeneous height systems. Presented at the 2006 EGU General Assembly, Session G8 “Earth's gravity field: instruments and applications - in memoriam of Peter Schwintzer”, April 2nd-7th, Vienna, Austria.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2005) Optimal Marine Geoid Determination in the Atlantic Coastal Region Of Argentina. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 128 F. Sansó (ed.), A Window on the Future of Geodesy, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 380-385. (Available in PDF format).

Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Kotzev V, Pashova L (2005) Mean sea level and sea surface topography studies in the Black Sea and the Aegean. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 129, Jekeli C, Bastos L, Fernandes J (eds.), Gravity Geoid and Space Missions 2004, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 254-259. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2005) Improvement in the Determination of the Marine Geoid by Estimating the Bathymetry from Altimetry and Depth Soundings. Mar Geod 28(1): 81-102 (doi: 10.1080/01490410590884593) (Available through Taylor and Francis).

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Andritsanos VD (2005) On the Determination of Marine Geoid Models by Least-Squares Collocation and Spectral Methods Using Heterogeneous Data. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 128 F. Sansó (ed.), A Window on the Future of Geodesy, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 332-337. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Andritsanos VD (2005) Gravity Data Base Generation and Geoid Model Estimation Using Heterogeneous Data. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 129, Jekeli C, Bastos L, Fernandes J (eds.), Gravity Geoid and Space Missions 2004, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 155-160. (Available in PDF format).

Konstadinidis A, Ramnalis DN, Vergos GS, Kazakis P (2005) E-Learning Courses in Cartography and G.I.S.. Presented at the 2005 International Cartographic Conference, July 9-16, A Coruña, Spain.

Malamatinis I, Mparas Th, Vergos GS, Konstadinidis A (2005) Creation of a digital elevation model and imprinting a part of the coastline of the lake Kerkini in Serres with the use of a G.P.S.. Presented at the 2005 International Cartographic Conference, July 9-16, A Coruña, Spain.

Müller A, Bürki B, Limpach P, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Kahle HG (2005) Astrogeodätische Lotabweichungsbestinmmung in der Nordägäis (Griechenland). Presented at the 2005 Geodätische Woche, Düsseldorf, Germany, October 4-6.

Mertikas S, Pavlis EC, Tziavos IN, Koutroulis E, Palamartchouk K, Papadopoulos T, Vergos GS (2004) Permanent facility for calibration/validation of satellite altimetry: GAVDOS. SPIE Proc vol 5569, Bostater CR, Santoleri Jr R (eds.), Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Sea Ice 2004, pp 14-25. (Available in PDF format).

Mertikas S, Vergos GS and the GAVDOS Team (2004) A permanent facility for calibration/validation of satellite altimetry: GAVDOS. Presented at the 1st EGU General Assembly, April 25-30, Nice, France.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2004a) GEOIDE MARINO EN ARGENTINA. Presented at the XXII Scientific Reunion of the Argentinean Association of Geophysics and Geodesy (AAGG2004), September 6-10, Buenos Aires.

Tocho C, Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2004b) A new marine geoid model for Argentina combining altimetry, shipborne gravity data and CHAMP/GRACE-type EGMs. Presented at the Gravity Geoid and Space Missions 2004 (GGSM2004) conference, August 30 – September 3, Porto, Portugal.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2004) A geodetic perspective to the estimation of the quasi-stationary sea surface topography and current velocities in a closed sea area. Presented at the Gravity Geoid and Space Missions 2004 (GGSM2004) conference, August 30 – September 3, Porto, Portugal.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Sideris MG (2004a) On the validation of CHAMP- and GRACE-type EGMs and the construction of a combined model. Presented at the Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, July 6-8, Potsdam, Germany.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Sideris MG (2004b) A first validation of the new EGMs from CHAMP and GRACE and some notes on the combined adjustment of altimetric, gravimetric, QSST, TG and orthometric heights. Presented at the Gravity Geoid and Space Missions 2004 (GGSM2004) conference, August 30 – September 3, Porto, Portugal.

Kotzev VM, Pashova LG, Grebenitcharsky RS, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Kiratzi A (2003) Satellite Altimetry Studies in the Black Sea and the Aegean. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium “TECHNOMAT & INFOTEL”, Scien Pub vol IV, Book 1, 277-285.

Vergos GS, Grebenitcharsky RS and Sideris MG (2003) Sea Surface Topography and Geostrophic Flow Estimation from Multi-Satellite Altimetry and Shipborne Gravity Data Using Wavelet Decomposition. 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission (IGGC), Tziavos (ed.), Gravity and Geoid 2002 - GG2002, 314-319. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2003a) Estimation of High-Precision Marine Geoid Models Offshore Newfoundland, Eastern Canada. 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission (IGGC), Tziavos (ed.), Gravity and Geoid 2002 - GG2002, pp. 126-131. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2003b) Altimetry-Derived Marine Gravity Field Estimation Using Single- and Multi-Satellite Data. 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission (IGGC), Tziavos (ed.), Gravity and Geoid 2002 - GG2002, pp. 308-313. (Available in PDF format).

Grebenitcharsky RS, Vergos GS and Sideris MG (2002) Combination of gravity, altimetry and GPS/Levelling data for the numerical solution of altimetry-gravimetry boundary value problems. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 125 J. Ádám and K.-P. Schwarz (eds.), Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millennium, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 150-155. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Bayoud FA, Sideris MG and Tziavos IN (2002) High-Resolution Geoid Computation by Combining shipborne and Multi-Satellite altimetry Data in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. IGeS Buletin Special Issue, Vol. 13, Proceedings of the EGS 2001 - G7 Session "Regional and Local Gravity Field Approximation", I.N. Tziavos and R. Barzaghi (eds.), pp. 85-99, March 25-30, Nice, France. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Grebenitcharsky RS and Sideris MG (2002) Combination of Multi-Satellite Altimetry and Shipborne Gravity Data for Geoid Determination in a Coastal Region of Eastern Canada. IGeS Buletin Special Issue, Vol. 13, Proceedings of the EGS 2001 - G7 Session "Regional and Local Gravity Field Approximation", I.N. Tziavos and R. Barzaghi (eds.), pp. 100-115, March 25-30, Nice, France. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2002a) Improving the Estimation of Bottom Ocean Topography with Altimetry-Derived Gravity Data Using the Integrated Inverse Method. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 125, J. Ádám and K.-P. Schwarz (eds.), Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millennium, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 529-534. (Available in PDF format).

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2002b) Evaluation of Geoid Models and Validation of Geoid and GPS/Leveling Undulations in Canada. IGeS Bulletin, Vol. 12, pp. 3 - 17. (Available in PDF format).

 Vergos GS (2002) Sea Surface Topography, Bathymetry and Marine Gravity Field Modeling. MSc Theses Dissertation, Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfilment for the Degree of Master of Science, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, UCGE Report 20157, February 2002. (Available in PDF format)(Please be patient, since the file is quite big ~120 MB).

Cocard M, Vergos GS and the GAVDOS Team (2002) Airborne laser and gravity project for the altimeter calibration site Gavdos. Presented at the XXVII EGS General Assembly, April 21-26, Nice, France.

Cocard M, Kahle H-G, Geiger A, Vergos GS and the GAVDOS Team (2002) Past and Future Airborne Laser Surveys over Greece. Presented at the 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission (IGGC), Gravity and Geoid 2002 - GG2002, August 26-30, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Damianidis K, Vergos GS and the GAVDOS Team (2002) GAVDOS: An Absolute Altimeter Calibration and Sea Level-Monitoring Facility on the Isle of Gavdos, Crete, Greece. Presented at the 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission (IGGC), Gravity and Geoid 2002 - GG2002, August 26-30, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Grebenitcharsky RS, Vergos GS, Kotzev VM and Sideris MG (2002) Multi-satellite Altimetry Geoid Determination in the Black-Sea. Presented at the XXVII EGS General Assembly, April 21-26, Nice, France.

Mertikas S, Vergos GS and the GAVDOS Team (2002a) GAVDOS: A European radar altimeter calibration and sea-level monitoring site for JASON-1, ENVISAT and Euro-GLOSS. Presented at the XXVII EGS General Assembly, April 21-26, Nice, France.

Mertikas S, Vergos GS and the GAVDOS Team (2002b) Altimeter Calibration and Sea-Level Monitoring Facility in Gavdos, Crete. Presented at the Jason-1 Science Meeting, June 10-12, Biarritz, France.

Mertikas S, Vergos GS and the GAVDOS Team (2002c) Installation procedures of establishing an altimeter calibration and sea level monitoring facility on the isle of Gavdos, Crete, Greece. Presented at the WEGENER 2002 Meeting, June 12-14, Athens, Greece.

Pavlis EC, Vergos GS and the GAVDOS Team (2002) Absolute sea level monitoring and altimeter calibration at Gavdos, Crete, Greece. Presented at the XXVII EGS General Assembly, April 21-26, Nice, France.

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2002a) Bottom Ocean Topography Estimation Improvement Using Altimetry and Depth Soundings. Presented at the XXVII EGS General Assembly, April 21-26, Nice, France.

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2002b) Marine Geoid Estimation Using Satellite and Shipborne Data. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, May 18-21, Banff, Canada.

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2002c) Gravity Field and Quasi-stationary Sea Surface Topography Estimation Using Heterogeneous Data. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, May 18-21, Banff, Canada.

Vergos GS, Sideris MG, Tziavos IN (2002) High-Resolution and High-Accuracy Marine Geoid Estimation in the Aegean Sea Using Satellite and Shipborne Data. Presented at the 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission (IGGC), Gravity and Geoid 2002 - GG2002, August 26-30, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN and the GAVDOS Team (2002a) A Survey of Marine Geoid Estimation Using Satellite and Shipborne Data in Gavdos. Presented at the XXVII EGS General Assembly, April 21-26, Nice, France.

Vergos GS, Tziavos IN and the GAVDOS Team (2002b) A Survey of Marine Geoid Estimation Using Satellite and Shipborne Data in Gavdos II. Presented at the 3rd Meeting of the International Gravity and Geoid Commission (IGGC), Gravity and Geoid 2002 - GG2002, August 26-30, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Andritsanos VD, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Pavlis EC and Mertikas SP. (2001) A High Resolution Geoid for the Establishment of the Gavdos Multi-Satellite Calibration Site. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 123 Sideris (ed.), Gravity Geoid and Geodynamics 2000, Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 347-354. (Available in PDF format).


Vergos GS, Grebenitcharsky RS and Sideris MG (2001) Improving the Marine Geoid by Combining Satellite and Shipborne Data. Presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the GEOIDe Network of Centers of Excellence (NCE), June 21 – 22, 2001, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.

Vergos GS, Sideris MG (2001) On Improving the Determination of the Gravity Field by Estimating the Bottom Ocean Topography with Satellite Altimetry and Shipborne Gravity Data. Presented at the Joint IAPSO/IABO Oceanographic Meeting, Mar del Plata, Argentina, October 21-28.

Vergos GS (2000) The Contribution of Satellite Altimetry to Gravity Field Modeling: A Case Study in the Eastern Mediterranean. Diploma Theses, Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2000. (in Greek)

Andritsanos VD, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Pavlis EC (2000) Alternative Geoid Solutions in the Southern Aegean Sea: Comparisons and Results. Presented in EGS Millennium conference, April 25th – 29th, 2000, Nice, France.