George Vergos' Webpage

Since 2000 I have participated to the following research projects (find a tentative list here GravLab-Projects):

Research assistant and research associate at the Department of Geomatics Engineering of the University of Calgary under two GEOIDE Network of Centers of Excellence (NCE) projects ENV#13 & ACQ#10

ENV#13: The synergistic use of multi-sensor remote sensing for monitoring of the Earth’s surface and atmospheric parameters. Duration: 07/2000 – 05/2002. The program objectives were: to determine the weather effects on radar signals; to evaluate the weather effects on sea surface temperature retrievals; to evaluate weather effects on sea ice SAR imagery; to develop methodology for retrieval of atmospheric parameters using weather radar and satellite observations; to validate geodetic products of satellite altimetry; to assimilate the improved remotely-sensed atmospheric and surface parameters into watershed hydrological models; and to develop a marketing plan for atmospheric and surface products. Principal investigator: M.G. Sideris.

ACQ#10: Precise Geoid determination for geo-referencing and oceanography. Duration: 07/2000 – 05/2002. The program objectives were to: refine the gravimetric geoid prediction methods; investigate the required data coverage, accuracy and resolution for centimetre-level geoid determination; improve the modelling of tides and SST, especially in coastal regions, by additional oceanographic, hydrographic and atmospheric data; investigate appropriate geoid, gravity and SST determination methods using satellite altimetry and shipborne gravimetry data in the oceans; solve the altimetry-gravimetry problem in coastal regions and incorporate other available data sets in precise geoid determination. Principal investigator: M.G. Sideris.

Investigator in the AirGosat project funded by the EU in the frame of the CAATER program. This project refereed to airborne gravity measurements in the area of Crete, Greece. Duration: 09/2000 – 09/2001. Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.

Investigator in the GAVDOS project funded by the European Union Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Program. Duration: 04/2002 – today. The project is entitled “GAVDOS: Establishment of a European radar altimeter calibration and sea-level monitoring site for JASON, ENVISAT and Euro-GLOSS” and its objectives are: the establishment of an absolute sea level monitoring and altimeter calibration facility on the isle of Gavdos, south of the island of Crete, Greece; to monitor deformations of the earth’s surface at the tide gauges in the area as a contribution to the European Sea-level Observing System (EOSS) project; the development of a detailed regional geoid and Sea Surface Topography (SST) model. These models are required for referencing the altimeter measurements over the calibration facility and for studying the regional sea current circulation. Principal investigator: S. Mertikas.

Main investigator in the «Satellite Altimetry Studies in the Black Sea and the Aegean» project funded by the GSRT. The project was funded in the frame of the bilateral cooperation program between Greece and Bulgaria. Duration: 06/2003 – 06/2005. Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.

Main investigator in the “Optimal Combination of Terrestrial and Altimetric Data with Data from the New Satellite Missions of CHAMP and GOCE for the Accurate Determination of the Gravity Field” project funded by the GSRT. The project was funded in the frame of the bilateral cooperation program between EU and non-EU countries. Duration: 10/2003 – 10/2005. Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.

Main investigator in the “Satellite Altimetry Studies in the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean” project. The project is conductedintheframeoftheESAcallfortheutilizationofERS1/2 and ENVISAT data. Duration: 10/2003 – 10/2005. Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.

Main investigator in the “Forest and Environmental Impact of road cutting in natural ecosystems” project under the ΕΠΕΑΕΚΙΙ program «Nature-Archimedes»: Support to Research Teams in ΤΕΙ», Meter 2.6, funded by the Greek Ministry of Education. Duration: 01/2004 – 01/2007. Principal investigator: N. Nikou.

Main investigator in the «Professional consulting for the development of wages in administrative studies of Meter 6.3 Action A» project funded by the National Institute of Forest Research of Thessaloniki. The main focus of the project was the geocoding of information for cartographic studies and the processing and visualization of geodata. Duration: 01/12/2003 – 15/01/2004. Principal investigator: S.G. Vergos.

Main investigator in the «Modeling and interpretation of the gravity field in local and regional scale combining terrestrial and satellite data» project under the ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ program «Pythagoras ΙΙ – Support to Research Teams in the Universities». Duration: 01/1/2005 – 31/12/2006. Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.

Main investigator in the «Validation, quality assessment and interpretation of current satellite-only Earth gravity models» project funded by the GSRT. The project was funded in the frame of the bilateral cooperation program between Greece and Czech Republic. Duration: 11/2005 – 11/2007. Principal investigator: D. Tsoulis.
{slider  Gravity Field Modeling for the Mediterranean Sea by Combining Satellite and Marine Gravity Data}
Main investigator in the «Gravity Field Modeling for the Mediterranean Sea by Combining Satellite and Marine Gravity Data» project funded by the GSRT. The project was funded in the frame of the bilateral cooperation program between Greece and Italy. Duration: 11/2005 – 11/2007. Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.
Main investigator in the «Development of an Information System for Natural Risk Management in the Mediterranean - SyNaRMa» program funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Greek National Funds. The project is in the frame of the INTEREG III Community Initiative, Strand B, program ARCHIMED, Priority Axes 3 «Integrated and sustainable management of cultural and natural resources and of landscapes and risk management», Measure 3.3.5 «Management, prevention and reduction of natural risks: drought, desertification, fires, earthquakes etc.». Duration: 06/2006 – 12/2007. Principal investigator: P. Savvaidis.

Main investigator in the “Comparison of GOCE data with gradiometric observations, gravity anomalies and satellite altimetry data at various altitudes for precise geoid and gravity field approximation in Europe” project. The project is conducted in the frame of the ESA AO call for the utilization of GOCE data. Duration: 04/2007 – today.Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.
Scientific responsible of the «Student’s Internship School of Rural and Surveying Engineering», project of the RSE/AUTH funded by the Operation Program “Education and Lifelong Learning 2007-2013”. Duration: 10/2010 – 10/2013.

Scientific responsible of the «Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Rural and Surveying Engineering», project of the RSE/AUTH funded by the Operation Program “Education and Lifelong Learning 2007-2013”. Duration: 09/2010 – 09/2013.
Main investigator in the «Development of a common intraregional monitoring system for the environmental protection and preservation of the Black Sea – ECO-Satellite» project funded by the European Union in the frame of the European Neighborhood & Partnership Instrument – ENPI and national funds. Duration: 10/2011 – 10/2013. Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.

Main investigator in the «Evaluation of the Hellenic Vertical network in the frame of the European systems and control networks interconnection - Application in the areas of Attiki and Thessaloniki» project funded by the Operation Program “Education and Lifelong Learning 2007-2013” in the frame of the Archimedes ΙΙΙ action. Duration: 11/2011 – 04/2014. Principal investigator: V. Pagounis.

Main investigator in the «External calibration/validation of ESA’s GOCE mission and contribution to dynamic ocean topography and sea level change determination through stochastic combination with heterogeneous data – GOCE-SeaComb» project, funded by the European Space Agency within the ESA/PRODEX office. Duration: 07/2012 – 07/2014.Principal investigator: I.N. Tziavos.