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Barzaghi R, Carrion D, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Reinquin F, Seoane L, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Salaün C, Andersen O, Knudsen P, Abulaitijiang A, Rio MH (2018) GEOMED2: High-Resolution Geoid of the Mediterranean. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2018_33. (Available in PDF format from Springer
Mertikas SP, Donlon C, Féménias P, Mavrocordatos C, Galanakis D, Tripolitsiotis A, Frantzis X, Tziavos IN, Vergos GS, Guinle T (2018) Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry Missions: Calibration of Satellite Altimetry at the Permanent Facilities in Gavdos and Crete, Greece. Remote Sens 10(10), 1557. doi: 10.3390/rs10101557. Available in PDF format from MDPI
Tziavos IN and Vergos GS (2018) Topographic Effects. Encyclopedia of Geodesy, Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-02370-0_72-1. Available in PDF format from Springer
Vergos GS, Erol B, Natsiopoulos DA, Grigoriadis VN, Işık MS, Tziavos IN (2018) Preliminary results of GOCE-based height system unification between Greece and Turkey over marine and land areas. Acta Geod Geophys. doi: 10.1007/s40328-017-0204-x. Available in PDF format from Sprigner
Vergos GS, Grigoriadis VN, Barzaghi R, Carrion D (2018) IGFS Metadata for Gravity. Structure, Build-up and Application Module. In: International Association of Geodesy Symposia. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/1345_2018_38. Available in PDF format from Springer
Altiparmaki ON and Vergos GS (2018) Local Vertical Datum improvement using Sentinel-3 SAR and Cryosat-2. SAR/SARin altimetry data. Presented at the 2018 EGU General Assembly, Session Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.
Altiparmaki ON, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2018) Satellite altimetry for potential determination towards HSU and geoid modeling. Presented at the International Review Workshop on satellite Altimetry cal/Val activities and applications, Session 8 “Session 8: Modelling with Altimetry bathymetry, geoid, sea level, gravity, heights”, April 23 – 26, Chania, Greece.
Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Bonvalot S, Barthelmes D, Reguzzoni M, Wziontek H, Kelly K (2018) The gravity field observations and products at IGFS. Presented at the 2018 EGU General Assembly, Session G2.1 “The Global Geodetic Observing System: Improving Today's Infrastructure for Tomorrow's Science”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.
Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, T Cazzaniga N, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Hasan Y, Basic T, Gil AJ (2018) The Geomed2 project: estimating the geoid and the DOT in the Mediterranean area. Presented at the 2017 EGU General Assembly, Session G1.1 “Recent Developments in Geodetic Theory”, April 08 – 13, Vienna, Austria.
Barzaghi R, Vergos GS, Albertella A, Carrion D, Albertella A, Tziavos IN, Grigoriadis VN, Natsiopoulos DA, Bruinsma S, Bonvalot S, Seone L, Reinquin F, Lequentrec-Lalancette MF, Salaun C, Bonnefond P, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Simav M, Yildiz H, Basic T, Varga M, Gil AJ (2018) Geoid and DOT in the Mediterranean area: the Geomed2 project. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Barzaghi R, Carrion D (2018) The IGFS metadata for geoid. Structure, build-up and application module. Potential determination at coastal stations from the synergy of SAR/SARin altimetry and local gravity data towards the IHRS. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Grigoriadis VN, Vergos GS, Natsiopoulos DA (2018) The IGFS metadata for geoid. Structure, build-up and application module. Geoid/Quasi-geoid modeling based on the remove-restore approach with the JWG2.2.2 Colorado dataset and contributions to the IHRF. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Mamagiannou EG and Vergos GS (2018) EOF and PCA analysis of GRACE induced EWT variations and early forecasting results based on stochastic Kalman filtering. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2018) Selective filtering of DOT through spatial filtering and Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Sánchez L, Ågren J, Huang J, Véronneau M, Yang W, Roman D, Vergos GS, Abd-Elmotaal H, Amos M, Barzaghi R, Blitzkow D, Oliveira C, Denker H, Mick F, Claessens S, Oshchepkov I, Marti U, Koji M, Sideris MG, Varga M, Willberg M, Pail R (2018) Advances in the establishment of the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF). Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Sanxaridou EI and Vergos GS (2018) Assimilation of GRACE-induced EWT with a Global precipitation model to improve spatial resolution, trend and seasonal signal recovery through PCA and EOF analysis. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Pitenis EA and Vergos GS (2018) Wavelet MRA as a tool for destriping GRACE extracted Equivalent Water Thickness variations. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Vergos GS and Altiparmaki ON (2018) Satellite altimetry for potential determination towards HSU and geoid modeling. Potential determination at coastal stations from the synergy of SAR/SARin altimetry and local gravity data towards the IHRS. Presented at the GGHS2018 Joint Section 2 and IGFS Symposium “Gravity, Geoid and Height System 2018”, September 17-21, Cepenhagen, Denmark.
Natsiopoulos DA, Vergos GS, Tziavos IN (2018) Modeling the barotropic response of the Mediterranean sea level to atmospheric pressure forcing. Rossikopoulos D, Fotiou A, Paraschakis I (eds.), Special Issue dedicated to the Emeritus Professor A. Dermanis, Ziti Editions. (Available in PDF format).